The children from Green Road School take part in different after-school activities. What did the children do last year? Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

Вопрос от пользователя

The children from Green Road School take part in different after-school activities. What did the children do last year? Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
(0) The  children  washed  off   graffiti  from  the  houses  in  Green Street.
1    Last   year   the   pupils   worked   a   lot.   They   helped   to   rake __________ in the schoolyard and to __________flowers.
2    They visited children at the __________ hospital and gave them
————— toys.
3    There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to __________
litter   near   it   last   summer   and   helped   to   clean   up   the
4    Pupils of the 1st form collected __________books for the local
5    The school __________ won first prize at the singing competition.
6    A lot of __________people got __________for the concert.
7    The children performed __________dances and songs at the

Ответ от эксперта

(0) The children washed оff  graffiti from the houses in Green Street.
1. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped to rake leaves in the schoolyard and to water flowers.
2. They visited children at the local hospital and gave them soft toys.
3. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped to   nick    up    litter near it last summer and helped to clean up the neighbourhood.
4. Pupils of the 1st form collected secondhand books for the local hospital.
5. The school choir won first prize at the singing competition.
6. A lot of elderly people got invitations for the concert
7. The children performed folk dances and songs at the concert.

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