You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays. Mark.the following statements with «T» if they are true and with «F» if they are

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You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.
Mark.the following statements with «T» if they are true and with «F» if they are
false. You’ll hear the conversation twice.
1    Katie spent her summer holidays in France.  
2   Katie enjoyed the trip very much.  
3   Her father fished in the river every day. _________
4   Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.
5    Katie is happy because she can swim now.  
6   Katie’s sister liked riding a horse.  
7   Katie didn’t like the weather.

Ответ от эксперта

1.  Katie spent her summer holidays in France, -true (верно)
2.   Katie enjoyed the trip very much, — true (верно)
3.  Her father fished in the river every day. — true (верно)
4.  Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother. — false, (неверно). Katie was on holiday with her dad and brother.
5.   Katie is happy because she can swim now, — true (верно)
6.  Katie’s sister liked riding a horse. — false (неверно).Katie’s brother liked riding a horse.
7. Katie didn’t like the weather. — false (неверно).Капе liked the weather.

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