You will hear a conversation between two neighbours. Listen and choose the correct answer for each question. 1 Bob expected to find Frank painting. A True B False C Not stated

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You will hear a conversation between two neighbours. Listen and choose the correct answer for each question.
1 Bob expected to find Frank painting.
A True B False C Not stated
2 Frank’s wife is upset about the graffiti.
A True B False C Not stated
3 Joe Smith works at a petrol station.
A True B False C Not stated
4 Frank thinks surveillance cameras will be too expensive.
A True B False C Not stated
5 Bob’s brother has been telling him that he should start a neighbourhood watch scheme.
A True B False C Not stated
6 Bob thinks the other neighbours will like the idea of a neighbourhood watch scheme.
A True B False C Not stated
7 Frank doesn’t have much more painting to do.
A True B False C Not stated?
Текст аудирования:
Bob: Good morning, Frank. Painting so early in the morning? That’s a surprise! I was just coming round to see if you wanted to join me for a jog.
Frank: Hi, Bob. Well, I wouldn’t call it a good morning. Some kids graffitied all over my garage door last night and that’s why I’m standing here with a paint brush in my hand. I want to paint over the mess before my wife sees it. It’ll only upset her. Bob: Oh, I see. What bad luck.
Frank: Indeed! Has it happened to you, yet?
Bob: Yet? What do you mean … ‘yet’?
Frank: Well, The Thompsons had their fence graffitied a couple of days ago. And I ran into Joe Smith last night at the petrol station and he told me that his garage door was graffitied last week.
Bob: Oh, that’s awful. I had no idea we had such a problem on our hands!
Frank: Well, we do. And we’re going to have to think about what we can do to stop it.
Bob: Hmm. Maybe we could install surveillance cameras … Frank: Well, the same thought occurred to me this morning but I don’t think people in the street will go for the idea. It’ll be too costly.
Bob: Yes, maybe you’re right. Well, what about a neighbourhood watch scheme, then? My brother started one up in his street a few months ago and he tells me that it’s been quite effective in cutting crime.
Frank: Hey! That’s a great idea! Do you think the other neighbours would go for it?
Bob: I don’t see why not. Look, why don’t we have a meeting at my place tonight to discuss the idea? I can pop round to the Thompsons and Smiths now to tell them to come over to my house about 6-ish.
Frank: OK, great. And as soon as I’ve finished here, I’ll walk round the rest of the street and tell everyone.
Bob: Good. That’s sorted then. Now … do you need a hand painting that door?
Frank: Thanks, Bob, it’s fine. I’ve almost finished.
Bob: OK. Well, see you tonight at 6, then.
Frank: Great. Enjoy your jog.

Ответ от эксперта

1 B (False)
2 B (False)
3 C (Not stated)
4 A (True)
5 C (Not stated)
6 A (True)
7 A (True)

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