You are going to a party with a friend. Leave a note at his/her house. Say where the party is • what time you will be there • where you will meet

Вопрос посетителя

You are going to a party with a friend. Leave a note at his/her house. Say
where the party is
• what time you will be there
• where you will meet

Ответ эксперта

where the party is — где будет вечеринка

what time you will be there — во сколько ты там будешь

where you will meet — где вы встретитесь

Use the notes on this page as a model.


Sasha, Party at Olya’s 2 nite! Will b there with Dan at 8. Meet at front door. C u then. Dima — Саша, Вечеринка будет у Оли сегодня. Я буду там с Денисом в 8 часов. Встретимся у входной двери. Увидимся. Дима.

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