Write your own poem about your family. Use animal similes and the model below. Read out your poem to the class My mum is

Вопрос посетителя

Write your own poem about your family. Use animal similes and the model below. Read out your poem to the class
My mum is

Ответ эксперта

My mum is as busy as a bee,  — Моя мама трудолюбивая как пчела
She works all morning and takes care of me. — Она работает все утро и заботится обо мне.
My dad is as wise as an owl, — Мой папа мудрый как сова
He helps me with my homework and doesn’t howl. — Он помогает мне с домашней работой и не рыдает.
My sis is as proud as a peacock, — Моя сестра гордая как павлин
And I can’t go in her room unless I knock. — Я не могу даже войти к ней в комнату пока не постучу.

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