Write topic sentences for the following supporting sentences. 1 . ..To begin with, it would mean that less trees would have to be cut down. 2 . …First, it would save whales from extinction.

Вопрос от пользователя

Write topic sentences for the following supporting sentences.
1 . ..To begin with, it would mean that less trees would have to be cut down.
2 . …First, it would save whales from extinction.
3 .. ..Firstly, this would reduce traffic jams.

Ответ от эксперта

1 There are many reasons why we need to reduce the amount of paper we use (Есть много причин почему нам надо уменьшать количество используемой бумаги).
2 It is important to stop polluting our oceans (Важно остановить загрязнение океанов).
3 It is important to reduce the use of cars on our roads (Важно уменьшить количество автомобилей на дорогах).

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