Write the verbs in the appropriate forms. 1 The theatre looks great from the inside! I … to a place like this before. NEVER BE 2 When my brother … home late, Mum worries a lot COME

Вопрос от пользователя

Write the verbs in the appropriate forms.
1 The theatre looks great from the inside! I … to a place like this before. NEVER BE
2 When my brother … home late, Mum worries a lot COME
3 Look! Kate … her summer shoes! She definitely needs something warmer in this weather.    WEAR
4 The father was very angry with his daughter because she … her ears. He thought it might be bad for her health. PIERCE
5 I was surprised to see so many people at my birthday party. I … most of them actually. I NOT INVITE
6 My sister always … attention to details Please don’t he late to her party.    PAY

Ответ от эксперта

1 have never been (время Present Perfect)
2 comes (Present Simple)
3 is wearing (Present Continuous)
4 has pierced (Present Perfect)
5 didn’t invited (Past Simple)
6 pays (Present Simple, если регулярное действие) или is always paying (если сказано с раздражением Present Continuous)

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