Write the third person singular. 1 I go — she 5 I catch — she 2 I sleep — he 6 I fix he….

Вопрос от пользователя

Write the third person singular.
1 I go — she 5 I catch — she
2 I sleep — he 6 I fix he….
3 I study — she 7 I wash — she
4 I play — he 8 I cry-he…

Ответ от эксперта

1.I go — she goes — идет
2.I sleep — he sleeps — спит
3.I study — she studies — учится
4.I play — he plays — играет
5.I catch — she catches — ловит
6.I fix — he fixes — чинит
7.I wash — she washes — моет
8.I cry — he cries — плачет

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