Write the reported questions as direct questions. 1 She asked when they would be back. 2 He asked if she enjoyed travelling.

Вопрос от пользователя

Write the reported questions as direct questions.
1 She asked when they would be back.
2 He asked if she enjoyed travelling.
3 Jane asked Lucy when she was going on holiday.
4 John asked Liz if she had ever visited Disneyland.

1 «When will you be back?» she asked them.
2 «Do you enjoy travelling?» he asked her.
3 «When are you going on holiday?» Jane asked Lucy.
4 «Have you ever visited Disneyland?» John asked Liz.

Ответ от эксперта

1 “When will you be back?” she asked them («Когда вы вернетесь?» спросила она их).
2 “Do you enjoy travelling?” he asked her («Тебе нравится путешествовать?» спросил он ее).
3 “When are you going on holiday?” Jane asked Lucy («Когда ты собираешься в отпуск?» спросила Джейн Люси).
4 “Have you ever visited Disneyland?” John asked Liz («Ты когда-нибудь посещала Диснейленд?» спросил Джон Лиз).

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