Write questions to the following answers. See the text in Ex. 19, p. 66 in Student’s Book. 1 … ? It is difficult to notice an iceberg because only a small part of it can be seen above the water.

Вопрос от пользователя

Write questions to the following answers. See the text in Ex. 19, p. 66 in Student’s Book.
1 … ?
It is difficult to notice an iceberg because only a small part of it can be seen above the water.
2 …?
Icebergs can be dangerous for ships because they can move quickly and it is not easy to detect them in time.
3 …?
The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean.
4 … ?
The Britannica was the biggest floating hospital of the Second World War.
5 … ?
The Olympic was launched in 1910.
6 …?
The Olympic lived almost half a century.

Ответ от эксперта

1 Why is it difficult to notice an iceberg? (Почему трудно заметить айсберг?)
3 Where did the Titanic sink? (Где Титаник затонул?)
4 What kind of ship was the Britannica? (Каким типом корабля была Британика?)
5 When was the Olympic launched? (Когда Олимпик встал на воду?)
6 How long did the Olympic live? (Как долго Олимпик существовал?)

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