Write it right. This is part of Julia’s letter. Write back to Julia. Answer her questions. Follow the rules of letter writing (100 words).

Вопрос от пользователя

Write it  right. This is part of Julia’s letter.
Write   back   to   Julia.   Answer   her   questions.   Follow   the   rules   of   letter   writing
(100 words).
… I like aoina to school because I mix with my friends there. Also I discover new things at school. Of course I’d like to change some things at my school. I’d like to make the school hours shorter became ifs really unfair that we spend 35 hours at school every week. I also think that we should have less homework and there should be more school trips to ao on. Besides, I’d like to have ICJ every day. find what about you? Do you like going to school? Da  you   want   to   change   anything   at  your   school?

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