Write down what your partner did and what you did last weekend. Last weekend … got up late, i got up late, too

Вопрос пользователя

Write down what your partner did and what you did last weekend.
Last weekend … got up late, i got up late, too

Ответ эксперта

Запишите,  что ваш партнёр делал и что вы делали в прошлые выходные.
Last weekend Misha got up late. I got up late, too. He played the computergames in the morning. And I made my bed and had a breakfast. Misha made sandwiches for his breakfast. And I made a cake. Then he went to music class. As for me, I went to dance class. Misha had lunch at 12 a.m. Me, too. He went for a walk after lunch. I went for a walk, too. We went to sport practice together. Then we played in the park

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