Write a sentence about each problem using / wish. More than one answer is possible. 1) I want to take part in the What Not to Wear show. Nobody wants to nominate me.

Вопрос от пользователя

Write a sentence about each problem using / wish. More than one answer is possible.
1)   I want to take part in the What Not to Wear show. Nobody wants to nominate me.
2)   I want to buy these accessories: they will match my new dress. But my Mum is against spending too much money on clothes.
3)   I’d like to wear sneakers all the time but my Mum doesn’t allow it.
4)   I do not have much money. I would like to spend more on presents for my relatives.
5)   I want to give out my old clothes to those who cannot afford to buy new clothes. But I don’t know how to solve the problem.
6} I would like to have at least one Russian designer’s item in my wardrobe. But
I can’t afford it. 7) They don’t show much of the Russian Fashion Weeks on TV. That’s a pity!

Ответ от эксперта

1)    I wish someone would nominate me for the What Not to Wear show.
I wish I could take part in the What Not to Wear show.
2)    I wish my Mum would not be against spending too much money on clothes.
I wish I bought/could buy these accessories: they would match my new dress perfectly.
3)    I wish I could wear sneakers all the time but my Mum doesn’t allow it.
I wish my Mum would allow me to wear sneakers all the time.
4)    I wish I had more money to spend on presents for my relatives.
5)    I wish I knew how to solve the problem of giving out my old clothes to those
who cannot afford to buy new clothes.
6)    I wish I had at least one Russian designer’s item in my wardrobe.
I wish I could afford to have at least one Russian designer’s item in my wardrobe.
7)    I wish they would show much more of the Russian Fashion Weeks on TV.

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