Would you consider getting involved with ChildLine? Think of two reasons you would join it. In three minutes write a few sentences on the topic.

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Would you consider getting involved with ChildLine? Think of two reasons you would join it. In three minutes write a few sentences on the topic.

Ответ эксперта

Yes, I would like to get involved with ChildLine. I would like to help them put an end to bullying and also help young people help each other. Young people can learn important skills such as listening to each other, empathy and problem-solving skills. I think it is an important organisation. Etc
Да, я бы хотел принимать участие в детской горячей линии. Я бы хотел помочь им прекратить издевательства, а также помочь молодым людям помогать друг другу. Молодые люди могут научиться важным навыкам, таким как слушать друг друга, сопереживать и помогать решать проблемы. Я считаю, что это важная организация.

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