Work in small groups and write an e-mail. a) You want to arrange a summer holiday for your family. You’ve found out about The Exchange Homes Programme. You need to

Вопрос посетителя

Work in small groups and write an e-mail.
a) You want to arrange a summer holiday for your family. You’ve found out about The Exchange Homes Programme. You need to
1    Decide which of the available houses / flats is the most appropriate for your family.
2    Write an email to the owners of the dwelling you’ve chosen in order to suggest the exchange. Describe the advantages of your flat and ask questions to make sure that their house suits the needs of your family.
a traditional three bedroom cottage a nice garden not far from the coastal line
contact: Mr and Mrs Johns
eight bedroom cottage near the coast
contact: Mr Pearson
a nice and cozy flat in the centre of the city three bedrooms regular buses to the beach nice restaurants nearby
contact: Miss Buckley
Your flat:
You live in a flat not far from the city centre. The flat is quite large: three bedrooms, a big living room and a kitchen. You have all modern I conveniences and there’s a very nice view of the city from your balcony. 1 i The weather is fine in summer, there are lots of places to see, that’s why | 1 the city is popular with tourists. (Add any details if needed.)
you: prefer independence and don’t want to share you room with anyone (twins especially); can sleep on the veranda if it’s big enough to put an air bed, and if there are no mosquitoes at night
dad: doesn’t care much about a place to stay in as long as everyone is happy
mum: hates chilly bedrooms, will make fuss if there are problems with hot water
twins: six-year-olds, would be ideal to have a separate room for them. Swings, merry-go-rounds somewhere nearby could be very helpful to keep them occupied
granny: sleeps with windows open wide, that’s why can’t stand noisy streets
b) Present your letter to the whole class. Let the other groups suggest their improvements and corrections

Ответ эксперта

Dear Mr. Pearson,
I would like to suggest you to exchange housing. I live in the three bedrooms apartment. We have a big living room in which there is a computer (with Internet connection) and TV (with Internet connection). The kitchen is equipped with modern equipment (the microwave oven, an oven, the bread machine, the juice extractor and others). We have all modern conveniences, and very nice view of the city. The weather is fine in summer, there are lots of places to see.
I liked your house. It meets my requirements. But I would like to specify something and to ask some questions. Is there near your house swings or roundabouts? Does your house have hot water? And still I would like to specify, is the street on which you live noisy?
Kind regards,
Уважаемый мистер Пирсон,
Я хотела бы предложить вам обменяться жильем. Я живу в трехкомнатной квартире. У нас большая гостиная, в которой есть компьютер (с выходом в Интернет) и телевизор (с выходом в Интернет). Кухня оснащена современной техникой (микроволновая печь, плита с духовкой, хлебопечка, соковыжималка и др.). У нас есть все современные удобства, и очень красивый вид на город с балкона. Летом хорошая погода, есть много мест, которые можно посетить.
Мне понравился ваш дом. Он отвечает моим требованиям. Но я хотела бы кое-что уточнить и задать вам несколько вопросов. Рядом с вашим домом есть качели или карусели? Есть ли в вашем доме горячая вода? И еще я хотела бы уточнить, улица, на которой вы живете шумная?
С уважением,

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