Work in pairs. You are speaking on the phone. The line is not very good, so you can’t hear all of the words and ask to repeat some information. Complete the dialogue asking questions

Вопрос посетителя

Work in pairs. You are speaking on the phone. The line is not very good, so you can’t hear all of the words and ask to repeat some information. Complete the dialogue asking questions to the words in bold (these are the words you didn’t hear well). Act out the dialogue with your partner.
You: Hello!
Harry: Hello, Harry speaking.
You: Hi…? I didn’t catch the name.
Harry: This is Harry, remember? We met in Liverpool.
You: Pardon? …?
Harry: In L-i-v-e-r-p-o-o-l. We went to the rock concert together.
You: …? I’m sorry, it’s not a very good line (телефонная линия).
Harry: To the»rock concert. You were wearing white jeans and a T-shirt.
You: …?
Harry: White. You looked gorgeous in them. Especially when you were climbing up on the stage. You wanted to borrow the microphone.
You: …?…? Look here. I’ve never been to Liverpool. I’m not keen on rock music at all. And 1 don’t wear white jeans.
Harry: Then why have you been wasting my time then asking all these silly questions? (pause) So could we still meet tonight anyway?

Ответ эксперта

You: hi, who is speaking?… привет, кто говорит?
You: Pardon? Where did we meet? Извините, где мы познакомились?
You: Where did we go to? Куда ходили?
You: What color jeans was I wearing? Во что я одет был?
You: Who was climbing up on the stage? What did I want to borrow? Кто-кто поднимался на сцену? Что что я хотел взять?

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