Work in pairs. Take it in turns to say whether you are used to the following things or not. Choose 2-3 things you would find it difficult to get used to. Explain why.

Вопрос посетителя

Work in pairs. Take it in turns to say whether you are used to the following things or not. Choose 2-3 things you would find it difficult to get used to. Explain why.
Example I would find it difficult to get used to cooking for myself as 1 have never done that. My mother is a great cook and she always does the cooking for the whole family.
1 living on your own
2 cooking for yourself
3 exotic food
4 speaking a foreign language all day long
5 travelling alone
6 taking care of yourself
7 being in the centre of attention
8 very hot weather
9 living in a small village 10 strict school rules

Ответ эксперта

I’m used to cooking for myself. I’m used to being in the centre of attention. I’m used to living in a small village. I’m used to strict school rules. I think it is rather difficult to get used to living on my own. I’m used to living with my parents because my mother takes care of myself and it is very important for me.
Раньше я готовил для себя. Раньше я был в центре внимания. Раньше я жил в маленькой деревне. Раньше я следовал строгим правилам школы. Я думаю, это достаточно сложно привыкнуть жить одному самостоятельно. Раньше я жил со своими родителями, потому что моя мама заботилась обо мне, а это очень важно для меня.

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