Work in groups. Did children work in your country in the 19th century? Use your history books or the Internet to find out. Write a short text about what kind of jobs they did and what their lives were like.

Вопрос посетителя

Work in groups. Did children work in your country in the 19th century? Use your history books or the Internet to find out. Write a short text about what kind of jobs they did and what their lives were like.

Ответ эксперта

Every family had many children, so every child had to do household, farm and graze cattle. Every child knew his work. Elder children had to babysit young brothers and sisters. Some even could milking cows.

У каждой семьи было много детей, поэтому каждый ребенок должен был заниматься домашним хозяйством, земледелием и выпасом скота. Каждый ребенок знал свою работу. Старшим детям приходилось нянчиться с младшими братьями и сестрами. Некоторые даже могли доить коров.

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