With its bright stripes and loud roar, the Siberian tiger is truly an impressive animal. Indigenous to eastern Russia, north-east China and parts of North Korea, the Siberian

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With its bright stripes and loud roar, the Siberian tiger is truly an impressive animal. Indigenous to eastern Russia, north-east China and parts of North Korea, the Siberian tiger can reach a length of 286 cm which makes it the largest tiger alive.
Siberian tigers are fierce predators and primarily hunt wild boar and elk. Due to the fact that their prey is found across wide areas, the Siberian tiger requires large territories to survive. An adult male cat will roam a territory up to 1,000 km2.
The tiger moves through its territory alone and hunts at night. Using its keen vision and hearing along with a powerful solo of smell, it sneaks up on its prey stealthily. Its stripes help camouflage it nose the tall grass. It can run extremely fast over short distances and can leap 3 metres in a single bound!
Unfortunately, there are only a few hundred Siberian tigers left in Russia and even fewer in China and North Korea. We all need to come together to protect the Siberian tiger and its habitat.

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