Why do we call some people good specialists? Make sentences using who and whose. 0) A good gardener works hard in the garden. His gardens are always clean and beautiful.

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Why do we call some people good specialists? Make sentences using who and whose.
0)  A good gardener works hard in the garden. His gardens are always clean and beautiful.
A good gardener is someone who works hard in the garden
A good gardener is someone whose gardens ore always clean and beautiful.
1)  A good doctor treats sick people well. His patients feel good.
2) A good writer writes interesting books. His books are sold in many countries.
3) A good singer chooses wonderful songs. His songs are liked and sung everywhere.
4) A good engineer invents new machines. His machines work well.
5) A good sportsman wins championships. His results are always high.
6) A good architect creates beautiful buildings. His buildings are often interesting
for tourists.
7) A good actor can play different roles. His roles are wonderful.

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