Who played the game in the park? Answer the questions and mark the children’s way to the park in the picture. 1 How many children came to the pool? Name them.

Вопрос пользователя

Who played the game in the park? Answer the questions and mark the children’s way to the park in the picture.
1  How many children came to the pool? Name them.
2  How many children went to the shop? Name them.
3 How many children met Kent? Name them.
4 How many children didn’t go to the park? Name them. Where did they go?
5 How many children got to the park? Name them

Ответ эксперта

Кто играет в игры в парке? Ответьте на вопросы и отметьте на картинке путь детей в парке.
1. Three children: Kate, Jim and Clark.
2.  Five children: Kate, Jim, Clark, Mark and Joe.
3.  Ten children: Kate, Jim, Clark, Mark, Joe, Mary, Sue, Andy, Gail and Paul.
4.   Five children: Kent, Clark, Jim, Sue and Joe.
5.  Six children: Kate, Mark, Mary, Andy, Gail and Paul.

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