While Jane and her parents were in Covent Garden, Charlie was staying at home with Emily, his babysitter. What questions did Charlie’s mother ask him and Emily

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While Jane and her parents were in Covent Garden, Charlie was staying at home with Emily, his babysitter.
What questions did Charlie’s mother ask him and Emily when she came home? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Past Simple/Past Progressive).
Mum: What (you do)___________while we (shop)___________in
Covent Garden?
Emily: At 9 o’clock we (read) __________________
a tale.
M: What tale (you read) _______________?
Charlie: We (read) ________________ «The Little
Red    Riding    Hood».    After    that    we    (play) a very interesting game.
M: What game (you play) _______________?
Ch: «Cats and Dogs».
E: Then, for half an hour Charlie (watch)________
M: What (you do) ________________, Emily, while
_______________ cartoons?
E: I (make)______________lunch. When we (eat)
Mr Brown (call) _______________.
M: What (you do)______________when we (arrive)
Ch: I (draw) _______________ a picture.
M: Show me your picture, please. Beautiful!

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