Which of the following entertainment activities would you prefer to do with your family? What would you prefer to do with your friends? Which of these activities would you prefer to avoid?

Вопрос посетителя

Which of the following entertainment activities would you prefer to do with your family? What would you prefer to do with your friends? Which of these activities would you prefer to avoid?
barbecue in the countryside
camping in the countryside
watching videos or films
going to an amusement park (roller
coaster —американские горки, swings —
качели, merry-go-rounds — карусели)
going to the seaside
taking part in a sports competition
watching sports competitions
chatting about your personal problems
going to pop and rock concerts
travelling round the world
arranging special meals at home
going to the theatre / concert / cinema / circus

Ответ эксперта

I would have made barbecue in the countryside with my family.
Я бы устроила барбекю загородом с моей семьей.
I would have made camping in the countryside with my friends.
Я бы устроил кемпинг загородом с друзьями.
I would watch videos or films with my friends.
Я бы смотрел фильмы и видео с друзьями.
I would go to an amusement park with my friends.
Я бы пошел в парк развлечений с друзьями.
I would be engaged in gardening with my grandma.
Я бы занялся садоводством с бабушкой.
I would go to the seaside with my parents.
Я бы поехал на побережье с родителями.
I would take part in sports competitions with my friends.
Я бы принял участие в спортивных соревнованиях с друзьями.
I would watch sports competitions with my friends.
Я бы смотрел спортивные соревнования с друзьями.
I would chat about my personal problems with my parents.
Я ба поговорил о своих проблемах с родителями.
I would go to pop and rock concert with my friends.
Я бы пошёл на поп и рок концерт с друзьями.
I would travel round the world with my friends.
Я бы путешествовал по всему миру с друзьями.
I would arrange special meals at home with my family and friends.
Я бы приготовил специальный обед с семьей и друзьями.
I would go to the theatre with my family.
Я бы пошел в театр с семьей.
I would go to the cinema with my friends.
Я бы пошел в кино с друзьями.

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