Which of the children likes summer holidays? Why? Who doesn’t like summer holidays? Why? What do you do when you travel? What do you do when you stay at home?

Вопрос от пользователя

Which of the children  likes summer holidays? Why?
 Who doesn’t like summer holidays? Why?
What do you do when you travel? What do you do when you stay at home?

Ответ от эксперта

2) Кто из детей любит летние каникулы? Почему?
Liza likes summer, because she goes to different places. She travels a lot. It is interesting.
3)    Кто   не   любит   летние   каникулы? Почему?
Layla doesn’t like summer holidays, because she never travels in summer. She must stay at home, and it’s really boring.
4)   Что  вы  делаете во время  путешествия? Что вы делаете, когда остаётесь дома?
We buy and bring gifts when we travel.
We go boating when we travel.
We go shopping when we travel.
We ride a horse when we travel.
We go on rides when we travel.
We swim in the river or in the sea when we travel.
We go to different places when we travel.
I roller-skate with my friends when I stay at home.
I clean the house when I stay at home.
I eat nice dishes when I stay at home.
I look after my cat when I stay at home.
I go on the Internet when I stay at home.
I watch TV when I stay at home.
I write stories when I stay at home.

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