Which of the activities in the pictures do you do: in the morning? at noon? in the afternoon? in the evening? at night? at weekends?

Вопрос посетителя

Which of the activities in the pictures do you do: in the morning? at noon? in the afternoon? in the evening? at night? at weekends?

Ответ эксперта

in the morning: brush teeth, have breakfast, go to school, have lessons at school — утром: чищу зубы, завтракаю, иду в школу, сижу на уроках в школе
in the afternoon: play sports, have lessons at school — днем: занимаюсь спортом, сижу на уроках в школе
in the evening: have dinner — вечером: ужинаю
at night: go to bed — ночью: иду спать
at weekends: play sports — по выходным: занимаюсь спортом

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