Where in the world can you bump into Princess Diana, meet David and Victoria Beckham or gaze into Charlie Chaplin’s eyes? Only at

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Where in the world can you bump into Princess Diana, meet David and Victoria Beckham or gaze into Charlie Chaplin’s eyes? Only at
Madame Tussauds, the London landmark that’s been 1 ……..(pull) in the
crowds since 1835. Getting up close and personal with life-sized wax models
of the 2 ……..(fame) is a teature of many family holidays to the capital, and
having a model of yourself in the museum 3 ……..(have) become a symbol of
success for those who seek celebrity.
The story began in 1777 when Madame Tussaud learned the art of wax
modelling from Dr Philippe Curtius while 4 ……..(work) as his housekeeper.
Living in Paris, Tussaud’s early models, which included Voltaire, Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin, were a great success, but when her exhibition moved to
England in 1802 she was 5 ……..(able) to return because of the Franco-English
war. Eventually, the exhibition settled in London and it’s been a major tourist 6 …….. (attract) ever since.
In 1958, Madame Tussauds 7 ……..(add) to its attractions with a planetarium
which continues to take audiences on a voyage among the stars. Today Madame
Tussauds offers a state-of-the-art experience with 8 …….. (interact) exhibitions
designed to give 9 ……..(visit) the feeling that they can be anything from rock stars to
world-famous footballers. Those who want to test their courage can explore the
Chamber of Horrors while the more 10 ……..(adventure) can take a cruise with the
Pirates of the Caribbean. Madame Tussauds has a fantasy for everyone.
1 Look at the title of the text and the pictures. How are they related? Read through and check.

Ответ эксперта

In the picture we can see the famous people such as Princess Diana, David and Victoria Beckham, Charlie Chaplin and Prince William. They look really statuesque, that’s why I suppose these celebrities are just wax models. I guess the title of text is the museum’s name. Madame Tussauds is probably a founder of the museum or a creator of these models. На картине мы видим известных людей, таких как принцесса Диана, Дэвид и Виктория Бекхэм, Чарли Чаплин и принц Уильям. Они выглядят действительно похожими на изваяние, вот почему я предполагаю, что эти знаменитости — просто фигурки из воска. Я предполагаю, что заглавие текста – это название музея. Мадам Тюссо — вероятно, основательница музея или создательница этих фигур.

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