Where can you read articles describing places? What tenses are they usually written in? Read the theory box to check. Articles describing places can be found in

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Where can you read articles describing places? What tenses are they usually written in? Read the theory box to check.
Articles describing places can be found in» newspapers, magazines or on websites. They normally consist of:
— an introduction giving the name, location and
the reason for choosing the place;
-a main body (2-3 paragraphs) describing the main aspects of the place in separate paragraphs e.g. describe what it’s like there, what you can do/see, the facilities, the atmosphere etc;
-a conclusion including your final comments/ feelings.
We normally use present tenses for descriptions of places. We use past tenses to write about ^historical facts or actions in the past.
Para 1: name/location/reason for choosing it
Main body
Paras 2-3: description, activities, facilities
Para 4: final comments/feelings

Ответ эксперта

We can read articles describing places in newspapers, magazines or on websites. They are usually written in the present tense but the past tense is used to write about historical facts or actions in the past.
Мы можем читать статьи, описывающие места, в газетах, журналах или на веб-сайтах. Они обычно написаны в настоящем времени, а прошедшее время используется, чтобы написать об исторических фактах или действиях в прошлом.

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