When in Britain you most probably want to make a call home. Listen to the information about how to make an international call in Britain. Fill in the gaps in the passage with the appropriate words.

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When in Britain you most probably want to make a call home.
Listen to the information about how to make an international call in Britain. Fill in the gaps in the passage with the appropriate words.
You can use any (1)  in
Britain to make an international call.
There are two kinds of telephones: those that take coins and those that take (2)___________
You can buy telephone cards from some shops
that have a (3 on the
You can also use a (4)  for
both ways of calling.
You can also make a call through а ВТ operator. Then you should dial (5)

Ответ от эксперта

1) public telephone; 2) telephone cards; 3) special sign; 4) private phone; 5) 155

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