When children meet after summer holidays, they like talking about them. 1) Clare and Paul are talking about their summer holidays. Where did Clare and Paul spend their holidays?

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When children meet after summer holidays, they like talking about them. 1) Clare and Paul are talking about their summer holidays. Where did Clare and Paul spend their holidays? What did they do?
Clare: Did you go to a summer camp? Paul: No, I didn’t. I stayed at home. Clare: Poor Paul. These are not holidays. Paul: But I really had a great time. Clare: What did you do?
Paul: I swam in the river, played tennis and visited my friends. And how did you spend your summer holidays?
Clare: In August we went on a trip to Brighton. It was really exciting. I had a lot of fun there.

Ответ эксперта

Клэр и Пол беседуют об их летних каникулах. Где они провели каникулы? Что Клэр и Пол делали летом?
Клэр: Ты ездил в летний лагерь?
Пол: Нет. Я остался дома.
Клэр: Бедный Пол. Это не каникулы.
Пол: Но я действительно отлично провёл время.
Клэр: Чем ты занимался?
Пол: Я плавал в реке, играл в теннис и ходил к друзьям. А как ты провела летние каникулы?
Клэр: Мы совершили поездку в Брайтон. Это было замечательно. Мне там было очень весело.
Ответы: Paul stayed at home in summer. He swam in the river, played tennis and visited his friends.
Clare made a trip to Brighton she had a lot of fun there.

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