When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor drew out of his pockets bundles of pound notes

Вопрос посетителя

Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
 (*ответ*) never have parted with her
 have found a new parents for her
 have left her in hospital
 never have accepted her
Tina Farrell was …
 (*ответ*) an usherette at the Odeon
 a nurse at the hospital
 an accountant at the Electricity Board
 a school teacher
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
 (*ответ*) the loveliest little darkie in the world
 like Lou and Raymond in many ways
 a blessing in disguise
 a child of shame
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
 (*ответ*) his prospective expeditions to Mesopotamia
 her aspiration to have her revenge upon George for unrequited love
 his prospect of success
 her great desire to get married
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
 (*ответ*) she was engaged to him
 she knew everything about Matilda
 Needle was George’s best friend
 at the moment of the crime George had been with her
Trevor did not believe in …
 (*ответ*) hate and love
 the gang
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
 (*ответ*) all the china and glass and bottles
 nothing except tea-service
 only cups and plates
 only bottles
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
 (*ответ*) nails, hummer, screwdriver, chisels, saw, hacksaw, sledge-hammer.
 table-knife, masks, two guns, rope
 three ladders, mincing-machine, plank, two blankets, master-key
 short brush of bound straw, paint, waste-bin, glue, drawing-pins
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
 (*ответ*) worms in an apple
 ants in ant-hill
 a fish out of water
 a fish in the sea
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
 (*ответ*) corkscrew
 mountain road
Trevor was … years old:
 (*ответ*) fifteen
 twenty two
Trevor’s father was a …
 (*ответ*) former architect and present clerk
 chief of a library
 former policeman and present lawyer
Trevor’s father …
 (*ответ*) had “come down in the world”
 was the pet of society
 had educated mind and taste
 was a respected person
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
 (*ответ*) better than the neighbours
 a woman remarkable for her courage
 the happiest woman in the world
 a clever woman
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
 (*ответ*) Henry
 Tina Farrell
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
 (*ответ*) drew out of his pockets bundles of pound notes
 showed him a beautiful old gold cigarette-case he had found in the kitchen
 said that Blackie was too impatient and curious
 said it wasn’t Blackie’s business

Ответ эксперта

Tina Farrell told the Parkers that if their child had been hers, she would …
 (*ответ*) never have parted with her
 have found a new parents for her
 have left her in hospital
 never have accepted her
Tina Farrell was …
 (*ответ*) an usherette at the Odeon
 a nurse at the hospital
 an accountant at the Electricity Board
 a school teacher
Tina said that the Parkers’ daughter was …
 (*ответ*) the loveliest little darkie in the world
 like Lou and Raymond in many ways
 a blessing in disguise
 a child of shame
To Needle the main attraction of marrying Skinny was …
 (*ответ*) his prospective expeditions to Mesopotamia
 her aspiration to have her revenge upon George for unrequited love
 his prospect of success
 her great desire to get married
To prove that George had absolutly no motive in killing Needle, Kathleen told the police that …
 (*ответ*) she was engaged to him
 she knew everything about Matilda
 Needle was George’s best friend
 at the moment of the crime George had been with her
Trevor did not believe in …
 (*ответ*) hate and love
 the gang
Trevor ordered Mike to smash … he would find in the kitchen:
 (*ответ*) all the china and glass and bottles
 nothing except tea-service
 only cups and plates
 only bottles
Trevor said that the gang would need … to fulfil his plan:
 (*ответ*) nails, hummer, screwdriver, chisels, saw, hacksaw, sledge-hammer.
 table-knife, masks, two guns, rope
 three ladders, mincing-machine, plank, two blankets, master-key
 short brush of bound straw, paint, waste-bin, glue, drawing-pins
Trevor said the gang would be in Mr. Thomas’ house like …
 (*ответ*) worms in an apple
 ants in ant-hill
 a fish out of water
 a fish in the sea
Trevor told the gang that a staircase in Mr. Thomas’ house looked like a …
 (*ответ*) corkscrew
 mountain road
Trevor was … years old:
 (*ответ*) fifteen
 twenty two
Trevor’s father was a …
 (*ответ*) former architect and present clerk
 chief of a library
 former policeman and present lawyer
Trevor’s father …
 (*ответ*) had “come down in the world”
 was the pet of society
 had educated mind and taste
 was a respected person
Trevor’s mother considered herself …
 (*ответ*) better than the neighbours
 a woman remarkable for her courage
 the happiest woman in the world
 a clever woman
Two days before Lou left the hospital … had visited her:
 (*ответ*) Henry
 Tina Farrell
When Blackie asked Trevor if he had found anything special, Trevor …
 (*ответ*) drew out of his pockets bundles of pound notes
 showed him a beautiful old gold cigarette-case he had found in the kitchen
 said that Blackie was too impatient and curious
 said it wasn’t Blackie’s business

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