What would you do if you: 1 got lost in the jungle? 2 saw your favourite actor in the street? 3 lost your purse/wallet? had a lot of money? 5 had a headache? 6 were tired?

Вопрос от пользователя

What would you do if you: 1 got lost in the jungle? 2 saw your favourite actor in the street?
3 lost your purse/wallet? had a lot of money? 5 had a headache? 6 were tired?
> If I got lost in the jungle, I’d scream for help.

Ответ от эксперта

2) If I saw my favourite actor in the street, I’d ask him for his autograph (Если бы я увидел моего самого любимого актера на улице, я бы спросил у него автограф).
3) If I lost my purse, I’d go to the police station (Если бы я потерял свой кошелек, я пошел бы в полицейский участок).
4) If I had a lot of money, I’d buy a beautiful cottage in the country (Eсли бы у меня было много денег, я бы купил красивый коттедж в деревне).
5) If I had a headache, I’d take an aspirin (Если бы у меня болела голова, я бы принял аспирин).
6) If I were tired, I’d have a quick nap (Если бы я устал, я бы вздремнул).

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