What were the following people doing at 3:00 pm yesterday afternoon? Ask and answer questions. Use the verbs. • send • talk • listen • read

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What were the following people doing at 3:00 pm yesterday afternoon? Ask and answer questions. Use the verbs.
• send   • talk  • listen   • read
1    Abigail/watch TV
  A: Was Abigail watching TV yesterday at 3:00?
B: No, she wasn’t watching TV. She was listening to music.
2    Derek/walk the dog
3    Bob/cook a meal
4   Teresa & Al/sleep

Ответ от эксперта

1 A: Was Abisail watching TV yesterday at 3:00?
Абизейл смотрела телевизор вчера в 3:00?
B: No, she wasn’t watching TV. She was listening to music.
Нет, она не смотрела телевизор. Она слушала музыку.
2 A: Was Derek walking the dog yesterday at 3:00?
Дерек выгуливал собаку вчера в 3:00?
B: No, he wasn’t walking the dog. He was sending an e — mail.
Нет, он не выгуливал собаку. Он отправлял сообщение по почте.
3 A: Was Bob cooking a meal yesterday at 3:00?
Боб готовил еду вчера в 3:00?
B: No, he wasn’t cooking a meal. He was talking on his mobile phone.
Нет, он не готовил. Он разговаривал по телефону.
4 A: Were Teresa and Al sleeping yesterday at 3:00?
Тереза и Ал спали вчера в 3:00?
B: No, they weren’t sleeping. They were reading a book.
Нет, они не спали. Они читали книгу.

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