What factors explain the following peculiarities (особенности) of Australia? Find the explanations in the description of Australia in exercise 2 on page 4.

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What factors explain the following peculiarities (особенности) of Australia? Find the explanations in the description of Australia in exercise 2 on page 4.
«Because Australia was cut off from the rest of the world, it was the last continent to be (который был) discovered.»
• The seasons are the other way round in Australia because … .
• Thanks to … Australia is sometimes called the Land Down Under.
• Because …, people have to send a radio message to the flying doctor service if they become ill.
• Because …. the few rivers play an especially important role in people’s lives.
• … . That’s why Australians suffer one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer from too much sun exposure (воздействие).
• … . So, life is not easy in Australia

Ответ от эксперта

— The seasons are the other way round in Australia because Australia is to the south of the equator.
— Thanks to the fact that Australia is to the south of the equator. Australia is sometimes called Land Down Under
— Because the population is too small for such a huge country, people have to send a radio message to the flying doctor service if they become ill.
— Because much of the land is a desert and there are severe draughts in Australia, the few rivers play an especially important role in people’s life
— Most of the continent is sunny most of the year, that’s why Australians suffer one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer from too much sun exposure.
— Severe draughts, floods and cyclones happen very often. So life is not easy in Australia.

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