What does the title of the text mean? 1 People should raise money to help those who are ill, disabled or poor. 2 People should think of the needs

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What does the title of the text mean?
1    People should raise money to help those who are ill, disabled or poor.
2    People should think of the needs of the people who are near them before they think about helping anyone else.
How can the title be related to these logos? Read and check.

Ответ эксперта

The title of the text means that people should think of the needs of people who live near to them before they think about helping anyone else.
(Название текста означает, что люди должны думать о нуждах людей, которые живут рядом с ними, прежде чем думать о помощи кому-либо еще)
The title refers to charity and all these logos are logos of charities in the UK.
(Название относится к благотворительности, все это логотипы благотворительности в Великобритании)

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