What does an opinion essay consist of and what style is normally used? Read the theory to find out. When writing an opinion essay, we present our personal opinion

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What does an opinion essay consist of and what style is normally used? Read the theory to find out.
When writing an opinion essay, we present our personal opinion on a particular topic supported by reasons and/or examples. This type of essay is written in a formal style. We use formal linkers, impersonal tone and passive structures. We should avoid colloquial expressions, short forms and personal examples. An opinion essay consists of:
— an introduction in which we introduce the topic and clearly state our opinion.
— a main body consisting of three paragraphs. In the first two paragraphs we present our viewpoints supported by reasons and examples. In the third paragraph we present the opposing viewpoint. We connect our points with appropriate linking words. We start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence.
— a conclusion in which we restate our opinion in different words.

Ответ эксперта

An opinion essay consists of a personal opinion with reasons and examples to support it. It should be written in a formal style.(Эссе с мнением состоит из личного мнения с причинами и примерами, чтобы доказать его. Оно должно быть написано в формальном стиле)

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