What do you think of friends and friendship? Answer the questions below and leave out that/who or which where it is possible. 0) Do people from

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What do you think of friends and friendship?
Answer the questions below and leave out that/who or which where it is possible.
0)  Do people from other countries who want to make friends with people from your country need specific advice?
People from other countries who wont to make friends witfri yeopie from my country need specific advice
1)  Was there anything that your friends did and it showed them your true friends?
2)  Did you have a funny experience which you shared with your best friend?
3)  Is   your   mother   a   person   who   you   can   discuss   all   your   problems   with?
4)  Who   is   that   person    that    you   can    rely   on   if   you   have   a   problem?
5) Do   you   think   that   friendship   is   a   feeling   which   can   disappear   at   any
6) Do    you    agree    that    friends    are    people    who    can    make    you    happy?
7) Are you sure that all your friends are people who you can share bad times with?

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