What do you know about Britain and the USA? Match some things, places and people with their definitions. One definition is extra. 1 Gaelic

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What do you know about Britain and the USA?
Match some things, places and people with their definitions. One definition is extra.
1   Gaelic
2   the Notting Hill Carnival
3   a village green
4   Manchester United
5   Jane Austen
6   Speaker’s Corner
7   the Emerald Isle
8   the Chinese New Year
9   Independence Day 10 a bank holiday
A a very successful and popular English football team В a British writer
С a place in Hyde Park where any person can make a speech
D an official public holiday, not a Saturday or Sunday
when banks and most businesses are closed E an ethnic holiday celebrated in early February
F any of the Celtic languages still spoken in some parts of Scotland and Ireland
G the most important American public holiday when people celebrate the birthday of the USA
H a street carnival that takes place every August in London and involves people who came to London from the Caribbean
I a city in the northwest of England
J an area of grass in the centre of an English village for the use of all the people who live there
К a name for Ireland

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