What do they do together? Match the two parts of the sentences. My family and I We often watch Sometimes we do At weekends On holiday we take Best of all I like We always We are

Вопрос посетителя

What do they do together? Match the two parts of the sentences.
My family and I We often watch Sometimes we do At weekends On holiday we take Best of all I like We always We are
do a lot of things together.
never bored.
going on picnics.
take photos of our family activities.
exciting trips.
a good film together.
we go for a walk or ride bikes.

Ответ эксперта

Что   они   делают   вместе?   Соедините две части предложения.
We often watch a good film together.
Sometimes we do puzzles.
At weekends we walk or ride bikes.
On holidays we make trips.
Best of all I like going on picnics.
We always take photos of our family activities.
We are never bored.

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