What did they do yesterday? Ask and answer they/ play/ soccer Did they play soccer? Yes, they did. She/ paint/ a picture Did she paint a picture?

Вопрос от пользователя

What did they do yesterday? Ask and answer
they/ play/ soccer Did they play soccer? Yes, they did.
She/ paint/ a picture
Did she paint a picture?
No, she didn’t.
she/ watch/ TV

Ответ от эксперта

  1. Did she watch TV? — Она смотрела телевизор?
    No, she didn’t. — Нет.
  2. Did he clean his room? — Он убирал комнату?
    No, he didn’t. — Нет.
  3. Did he wash the dishes? — Oн мыл посуду?
    Yes, he did. — Да.
  4. Did they dance at the party? — Они танцевали на вечеринке?
    Yes, they did. -Да.
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