What are your plans for the weekend? What will you be doing at ten o’clock on Saturday and Sunday and what will you have done by Saturday evening and by 10 pm on Sunday? Tell your partner.

Вопрос посетителя

What are your plans for the weekend? What will you be doing at ten o’clock on Saturday and Sunday and what will you have done by Saturday evening and by 10 pm on Sunday? Tell your partner.

Ответ эксперта

We’re celebrating my mum’s birthday оn Saturday. I will be dressing up at 10 o’clock and I will have returned home by evening.
And on Sunday I and my friends are going to the cinema where we’d love to watch new comedy. But before, I will be visiting my grandmother at 10 o’clock. By 10 p m on Sunday I will have watched the movie and gone to cafe.

Мы празднуем день рождения моей мамы в субботу. Я буду наряжаться в 10 часов, и я вернусь домой к вечеру.
А в воскресенье я и мои друзья собираемся в кино, где мы хотели бы посмотреть новую комедию. Но прежде, я навещу бабушку в 10 часов. К 10 вечера в воскресенье я посмотрю фильм и приду из кафе.

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