Vladimir is an ancient Russian town. It attracts many tourists every year. What can tourists see in Vladimir? Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

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Vladimir is an ancient Russian town. It attracts many tourists every year. What can tourists see in Vladimir? Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Vladimir is one of the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia.
They don’t know who (0) founded (to found) it. Some books say that Vladimir
(1)   _________________________   (to   found)   by   Vladimir   Sviatoslavovich   in
990. Other manuscripts say that it was Vladimir Monomach who (2)___________
(to start) the city in 1108.
The Golden Gate (Золотые ворота). It is a kind of symbol of the town. The
Golden Gate (3)____________________(to design) and (4)__________________(to
build) by Russian masters.
The Uspensky Cathedral is magnificent. Russian architects (5)_______________(to
design) and (6) ______________ (to build) it in 1158—1160. It’s famous for its
frescoes. The cathedral (7)______________(to decorate) by Andrei Rublev in the
15th century.
The Pokrov Church on the River Nerl is known as a real masterpiece of Russian architects.    It    looks    like    a    beautiful    white    flower    because    the    church
(8)    __________________    (to    decorate)    with    white    carving.1    The    church
(9)________________(to build) in 1165.

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