Use your own ideas and mixed conditionals to complete these sentences. Use your Workbook. 1 Our teacher would be pleased if… 2 If I had thought the problem over…

Вопрос от пользователя

Use your own ideas and mixed conditionals to complete these sentences. Use your Workbook.
1 Our teacher would be pleased if…
2 If I had thought the problem over…
3 I would be living in another town if…
4 All people would be geniuses if…
5 If I had won the lottery…
6 If 1 could fly…
7 1 would be rich and famous if…

Ответ от эксперта

1. Our teacher would be pleased if we all had prepared the homework for today.(Наш учитель был бы рад, если бы мы все приготовились сегодня к домашней работе)
2. If I had thought the problem over I would not worry about my future actions.(Если бы я обдумал проблему, я бы не беспокоился о своих будущих действиях)
3. I would be living in another town if I had got that job that I wanted.(Я жил бы в другом городе, если бы получил работу, которую хотел)
4. All people would be geniuses if they had worked much harder.(Все люди были бы гениями, если бы они работали усерднее)
5. If I had won the lottery I would buy a new flat in St. Petersburg.(Если бы я выиграл в лотерею, я бы купил новую квартиру в Санкт-Петербурге)
6. If I could fly I would travel word-widely.(Если бы я мог летать, я бы путешествовал по всему миру)
7. I would be rich and famous if had continued playing the piano.(Я был бы богатым и знаменитым, если бы продолжил играть на пианино)

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