Use your dictionaries to explain the words below. What part of speech are they? How do we pronounce them? Which actions can you see in the pictures? What is the past tense of these verbs?

Вопрос посетителя

Use your dictionaries to explain the words below. What part of speech are they? How do we pronounce them? Which actions can you see in the pictures? What is the past tense of these verbs?
boil • fry • stir • dice • mix • bake • add • melt • peel • pour

Ответ эксперта

They are all verbs. — Это все глаголы
/bɔil/, /frai/, /stз:/, /dais/, /miks/, /beik/, /æd/, /melt/, /pi: l/, /pɔ:/ — так они произносятся
boiled; fried; stirred; diced; mixed; baked; added; melted; peeled; poured — так они пишутся в форме прошедшего времени

1.peel — снимаем кожуру
2.bake — печем
3.add — добавляем
4.mix — перемешиваем
5.melt — завариваем
6.pour — вливаем

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