Use will, are/is going to or the present continuous. 1 We are having dinner with the Smiths tomorrow night. Would you like to come?

Вопрос от пользователя

Use will, are/is going to or the present continuous.
1 We are having dinner with the Smiths tomorrow night. Would you like to come?
2 Maria is moving to Boston in a month. She won a scholarship to Harvard University.
3 They are flying to Canada at 8 o’clock this evening.
4 I will help you write your essay on endangered species. I promise.
5 Be careful! You are going to trip over that toy!
6 Chris and Janet are having a garden party on Saturday afternoon.
7 I haven’t heard from Cathy since Friday. I will send her a text message.
8 They are going to get married next summer.

Ответ от эксперта

1 are having
2 is moving
3 are flying
4 will help
5 are going to trip
6 are having
7 will send
8 are going to get

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