Use these prepositions and places/shops from the lists to describe your neighbourhood. Prepositions in front of, next to, between, opposite, behind, to the left/right of, on (the corner) of Places/Shops

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Use these prepositions and places/shops from the lists to describe your neighbourhood.
in front of, next to, between, opposite, behind, to the left/right of, on (the corner) of
school, baker’s, cafe, chemist’s, bus stop, butcher’s, block of flats, corner shop, restaurant, supermarket, grocer’s, park, newsagent’s, bank, hairdresser’s
> My neighbourhood is noisy and crowded. I live in a small flat with a balcony. There are a few shops that are usually busy. There’s a baker’s next to my block of flats …

Ответ эксперта

My neighborhood is quiet and friendly. I live in a comfortable flat in the city center. There is a chemict’s between my block of flats and supermarket. Besides, there is a park opposite my flat, where you can find cozy cafe next to hairdresser’s. Furthermore, to the right of my block of flats school is located, which is really comfortable for me.

Мой район тихий и дружелюбный. Я живу в удобной квартире в центре города. Здесь есть аптека между моим многоэтажным домом и супермаркетом. Кроме того, есть парк напротив моей квартиры, где можно найти уютное кафе рядом с парикмахерской. Более того, справа от моего многоэтажного дома находится школа, что действительно удобно для меня.

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