Use the words in the list in the correct form to complete the idioms, then check in the Word List. Are there similar idioms in your language? • learn • teach • beat • carry • dream

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the words in the list in the correct form to complete the idioms, then check in the Word List. Are there similar idioms in your language?
• learn • teach • beat • carry • dream
1 He never …………. around the bush — you always know exactly what he is thinking.
2 Tom will have to ……………… up an excuse for not doing the essay.
3 Although it wasn’t her fault, Sue ………. the can for the error.
4 My sister won’t go back to college because she thinks you can’t ………….. an old dog new tricks.
5 I had no idea you could study wine tasting at college — well you live and …….

Ответ от эксперта

1 beats (beat around the bush — ходить вокруг да около)
2 dream (dream up an excuse — придумывать оправдание)
3 carried (carry the can — нести ответственность, отдуваться за других)
4 teach (you can’t teach an old dog new tricks — старого лечить, что мертвого лечить)
5 learn (you live and learn — век живи — век учись)

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