Use the words in brackets to write sentences, as in the example. 1 She went to her dad’s office, but he wasn’t there, (he/go/out) > He had gone out.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the words in brackets to write sentences, as in the example.
1    She went to her dad’s office, but he wasn’t there, (he/go/out) > He had gone out.
2    When Sue came back home, the floor was clean, (her sister/ mop/floor)
3    John didn’t want to eat. (he/already/have/lunch)
4    We invited Ann out but she couldn’t come, (she/arrange/to go out with/parents)
5    Helen asked Laura to go to the cinema with her, but she refused, (she/see/film/before)
6    When Tom arrived, Stella was very angry, (she/wait/for an hour)
7    He met everyone but Sue. (she/ already/leave)
8    Sally was tired, (she/work/on the computer/morning)

Ответ от эксперта

2 Her sister had mopped the floor. (Ее сестра помыла пол)
3 He had already had lunch. (Он уже пообедал)
4 She had arranged to go out with her parents. (Она договорилась погулять с родителями)
5 She had seen the film before. (Она видела фильм раньше)
6 She had been waiting an hour (Она ждала час)
7 She had already left. (Она уже уехала)
8 She had been working on the computer all morning. (Она работала на компьютере все утро)

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