Use the words from the box instead of the underlined word combinations. waste paper bins be recycled pollute them with chemical waste are buried is prohibited

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the words from the box instead of the underlined word combinations.
waste paper bins be recycled pollute them with chemical waste are buried is prohibited
1. Millions of tons of rubbish are in Russia every year.
2. A lot of new books, magazines and journals can be made from the paper already been used.
3. It is not allowed to throw away litter in the streets.
4. Many things which we throw away can be made fit to use again.
5. Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories waste there.
6. Everybody should put litter in special containers for litter to keep the country tidy.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Millions of tons of rubbish are buried in Russia every year.
(Миллионы тон мусора зарываются в землю в России каждый год)
2. A lot of new books, magazines and journals can be made from waste paper.
(Многие новые книги и журналы могут быть сделаны из макулатуры)
3. It is prohibited to throw away litter in the streets.
(Запрещено выкидывать мусор на улицах)
4. Many things we throw away can be recycled.
(Многие предметы, которые мы выбрасываем можно заново переработать)
5. Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories pollute them with chemical waste.
(Иногда рыба вымирает в реках, потому что заводы и фабрики загрязняют ее химическими отходами)
6. Everybody should put litter in bins to keep the country tidy.
(Все должны класть мусор в урны, чтобы содержать страну в чистоте)

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