Use the words below to complete the exchanges. 1 A: Hi, Carol. Would you like to go to a cafe for a cup of coffee?

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the words below to complete the exchanges.
A: Hi, Carol. Would you like to go to a cafe for a cup of coffee?
B: Sure, but first I have to go to the bank to get some money.
A: I need to buy some bread. Is there a baker’snearby?
B: Yes, it’s next to a grocer’s down the street where you can buy your fruit and vegetables.
A: Could you give me directions to the butcher’s? I need to buy some meat.
B: I’ll go with you. It’s opposite the newsagent’s where I buy the paper.
A: I feel terrible! I should go to the chemist’s to get some aspirin.
B: You can’t leave your flat in this cold weather! I’ll go and get some for you.

Ответ от эксперта

A: cafe (кафе)
B: bank (банк)
A: baker’s (булочная)
B: grocer’s (бакалейная лавка)
A: butcher’s (мясной магазин)
B: newsagent’s (газетный киоск)
A: chemist’s (аптека)
B: flat (дом, квартирка)

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