Use the verbs in their appropriate forms. 1 I have never been to an auto show. I don’t like this kind of entertainment, actually. 2 At the concert I met a person who had seen John Lennon.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the verbs in their appropriate forms.
1 I have never been to an auto show. I don’t like this kind of entertainment, actually.
2 At the concert I met a person who had seen John Lennon.
3 We designed this car last year and I’m sure it’ll become very popular soon.
4 How about going to the concert tonight? I have bought two tickets already.
5 I don’t usually buy concert tickets. My brother buys them, not me.
6 Look, it is raining. I don’t feel like going anywhere.
7 We had been driving along that road for three hours, but there were no signs of any village yet.

Ответ от эксперта

1 nave never been
2 had seen
3 designed
4 have bought
5 buy
6 is raining
7 had been driving

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